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Win! A Selection Of Dinner Delights

A selection of ‘Dinner Delights’

6 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Enter this simple competition and you could be enjoying delicious food and drink delivered straight to your doorstep!

Whether you want some ‘us time’ or simply want to spend an evening with friends and family, ‘Dinner To Dine For’ is here to help make those Special Evenings in…Special.

You can find out more about dinner time treats by visiting the website and don’t forget to like on Facebook and follow @Dinner2DineFor.

We’re giving 6 lucky goodtoknow users a selection of Dinner Delights, which will include chocolates, coffee, chutneys, wine and more!

To be in with a chance of winning, simply answer the question on the right.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/12/2013.
