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Win! A £250 supermarket voucher, football training kit with Princes Hot Dogs!

A £250 supermarket voucher, football training kit with Princes Hot Dogs!

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





To celebrate the World Cup kicking off this month, Princes is offering you the chance to win a fantastic prize worth £300.

One lucky winner will receive a £250 supermarket voucher, a football training kit, plus a selection of Hot Dogs to enjoy during the games.

Hot Dogs are quick and easy to make and loved by the whole family, making them the ideal snack to enjoy whilst watching the all-important matches.

They are particularly popular in Brazil, where the dish is known as a ‘Cachorro Quente’. In Brazil Hot Dogs are typically piled high with delicious toppings including salsa, chilli and even mashed potatoes. Take a look at Princes version of this Brazilian favourite here.

For more recipe inspiration and to see Princes full range of Hot Dogs visit

To be in the chance of winning answer the question on the right.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 01/07/2014.


A £250 supermarket voucher, football training kit with Princes Hot Dogs x1