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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win a case of Bordeaux wine plus ZSL London Zoo 6-month membership!

A joint six month membership for ZSL London Zoo and a case of Bordeaux wine

2 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Every Friday night in June and July, Zoo Lates at ZSL London Zoo will be giving grown-ups the chance to see one of the city’s most iconic attractions in a whole new light.  We have teamed up with the exclusive wine sponsor, Bordeaux Wines to offer two lucky readers the chance to win a six-bottle case of wine plus a six month joint membership to ZSL London Zoo.
The Bordeaux Jardin du Vin will be nestled in the heart of the action at Zoo Lates giving visitors the chance to sample red, white and rosé Bordeaux wines.
For more information visit: and
To be in the chance of winning answer the question on the right.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 18/07/2014.


A joint six month membership for ZSL London Zoo and a case of Bordeaux wine x2